Australijanka Karina Irbi nikad se nije stidela svoga tela i bez problema pozira u oskudnim bikinijima pokazujući celulit na zadnjici i butinama. Međutim, pukao joj je film jer je, kako kaže, prozivaju da je debela, a nemaju pojma šta se događa iza scena svih fotki na Instagramu.

Zato je ova dizajnerka bikinija snimila video u kojem pokazuje kako se to sređuje klasična devojka na Instagramu u fotošopu pre nego objavi fotografiju.

Kao primer uzela je svoju nesređenu fotografiju s plaže i dočarala kako bi ona mogla da izgleda kad bi se na primijenili određeni alati iz fotošopa. Nakon što je “ispeglala” kožu, zaoblila zadnjicu, povećala grudi i stanjila struk, izgledala je kao milion dolara. Čak je i lice produžila i konturisala jagodične kosti da bi stvorila efekt sjajnog tena.

"Tajne su otkrivene!”, poručila je Irbi svojim obožavateljima, kojih ima više od 840.000.

A different kind of transformation For me this is the difference of being stressed, eating too much sugar, not getting any sunshine and salt water on my skin. #Eczema is something I’ve been struggling with my entire life and every day I’m learning how to accept myself for the way I’am. Eczema is such a common skin condition, 1 out of 3 people suffer from it daily. You just may never hear about it because us eczema suffers are pretty good at covering up and hiding it to prevent people staring, bullying and asking questions like - “Ew, is that contagious?”. It’s for this reason I’m taking a stand and helping raise awareness with @eczemaau in the next coming months. This is a topic that is so close to my heart and raising awareness is something I’ve wanted to do ever since I was a little girl getting bullied back in high school. If I can help at least one person feel less alone in their struggle and educated one bully that eczema is a normal thing then I’ll be happy. Less gossip more acceptance

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“Pre nismo marili za to kako izgledamo i nipošto se nismo upoređivali s drugim devojkama. Bilo da je zbog magazina, filmova ili Holivuda, nešto se promenilo tako da smo postali opsednuti upoređivanjem s drugima i željom da smo nešto što nismo”, dodala je.

SECRETS OUT Introducing to you the classic “Insta Girl Edit”, where the skin gets smoother, the ass gets better, the boobs get bigger, the waist gets smaller and online confidence goes through the roof. But what happens offline? When did we lose our little girl confidence? When we were young we didn’t care how we look, and we surely didn’t compare ourselves to the girl next to us. Whether it be Social Media, magazines, movies or Hollywood... something changes and we start endlessly comparing ourselves to others and strive to potentially be something we aren’t. I’ve been there. And I’m confident a lot of us reading this have, or are still painting a different picture of themselves. The sooner we decide to accept ourselves for who we are and care less about other people’s criticism, the happier we are going to be. I know from first hand experience I am!

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“Što pre odlučimo da prihvatimo sebe i prestanemo da se brinemo za sve što drugi kažu i misle, bićemo srećniji. Iz prve ruke znam da ja jesam”, priznaje dizajnerka.

Na ovaj potez Irbi se odlučila svega nekoliko dana nakon što se posvađala s komentatorima na internetu koji su pokušali da je posrame govoreći joj da je debela.

SECRETS OUT Introducing to you the classic “Insta Girl Edit”, where the skin gets smoother, the ass gets better, the boobs get bigger, the waist gets smaller and online confidence goes through the roof. But what happens offline? When did we lose our little girl confidence? When we were young we didn’t care how we look, and we surely didn’t compare ourselves to the girl next to us. Whether it be Social Media, magazines, movies or Hollywood... something changes and we start endlessly comparing ourselves to others and strive to potentially be something we aren’t. I’ve been there. And I’m confident a lot of us reading this have, or are still painting a different picture of themselves. The sooner we decide to accept ourselves for who we are and care less about other people’s criticism, the happier we are going to be. I know from first hand experience I am!

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“Svi koji mislite da se devojke ubijaju od trčanja i vežbanja i da sve idu pod nož i da zato izgledaju tako dobro, razmislite ponovno. Ljudsko telo se prirodno menja”, izjavila je za "Daily Mail".

“Znam da se moje telo promenilo s godinama i kad pogledam stare fotke, poludim. Ljudi će komentarisati da izgledam debelo, ali ja sam zapravo srećna i zdrava dama”, tvrdi Irbi.


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